Historic Holidays - Borneo July 2017

My first venture to Asia With only 3 1/2 weeks until we were due to fly, Ben took me out to lunch and broke the news we would be heading to Borneo. I'd never been to Asia before, and here I was, about to go and see the Orangutans. I couldn't believe my luck! It was the quickest travel vaccination booking of my life and off I trotted to a vaccination centre. I also had to buy walking boots, a backpack and a lot of Deet! Kota Kinnabalu We started off in Kota Kinnabalu, the main city and stayed in The Palace Hotel. It was cute and fairly small, but had a lovely pool and its own jungle. You could sit in the pool and listen to the circadias chirping behind you! Ben took me to a market where I had my first taste of Mango lassi (delicious) and a view into what a true southeast asian market looked like! The wetlands centre is also well worth the visit if you have a few spare hours. Poring Hot Springs On the way across the island to our next destination we stopped off at Poring Hot S...